Sunday, May 25, 2014

Author James Gordon Interview

Self Published Authors are taking the publishing industry by storm. One of the amazing things about these authors is their fearless attempt at writing across genres. They feel no constraints or pressure to obey a set of industry rules that classifies them as a one genre type of author. More often than not, you will find that self-published authors write/publish under at least three genres. Our latest blog interview feature features one such author. Chicago Author James Gordon publishes children’s books, poetry, anthologies, and erotica. In short, he writes a conglomeration of fiction for all audiences. His author biography and interview can be found below:

Author Biography:  

James Gordon has written one book of children's Poetry, Hi, My Name is Bobo. As G.P.A. (Greatest Poet Alive), he is the author of four books of Poetry (The Confessional Heart of a Man, The Book of 24 Orgasms, The Mind of a Poetic Unsub, Revenge of the Orgasm, and Revenge of the Orgasm (Soaking Wet Edition)), contributed to several anthologies, and has released one audio CD (The G.P.A. Experience). He is the winner of the Moth Storytelling Slam, Poetry Pentathlon, and Black Essence Award, as well as having been nominate Poet of the Year for three years and Book of the Year twice. G.P.A. has performed at Seven Deadly Sins, Voccalo, Tuesday Funk, and Raunch Stories. Currently, G.P.A. has added acting to his resume with two movies (Persian Version and Animals) and television shows (Chicago PD, Chicago Fire, and Mind Games). G.P.A. proudly claims Chicago as his home and is found at his website, Facebook at G.P.A. (Greatest Poet Alive), and Twitter(gr8estpoetalive)

Where do you typically write?
I write on my couch in front of the television. It is a very comfortable space. Plus, Scooter the new Underdog is usually next to me.

Please tell us about your writing process.
The other night I was out with my brother. I heard a song and in my head, I proceeded to write a poem to the beat of that song. It all begins with something that inspires me. The, very quickly, I have to get it down on paper or recorded. Not a lot of science to it. See or hear, think, and then write.

Could you tell us a bit about your publishing experience?
I blundered at first by signing with Iuniverse. But now I self-publish, and it is a much, much better experience.

What online sites/resources do you use?
I use Google plus, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Tumblr, and Digg. Do you work with a writing partner? I work with a rhyming partner, Kottyn the Soft Spoken Poet.

In what ways do you promote your work?
I am legendary for my self-promotion. Anytime, anyplace, and anyhow, I promote everything I do. And this is on and offline.

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