Monday, March 24, 2014

What Indie really means…

Indie does not mean ‘low quality’. It essentially means that as an author or publisher that you have decided to pay for the publishing process yourself. You are willing to pay for editing, copyediting, illustration/cover design, copyright, marketing, book formatting/typesetting, ebook charges, and print costs. People that decide to go indie do so with the full knowledge that this is an expensive endeavor that requires careful money management, realistic goals, discipline, and time. The idea that someone will spend years producing poorly conceptualized books is a false notion. Most of the independent publishers and authors have worked in this industry for a number of years as booksellers, reviewers, editors, and more recently authors. Yes, there are authors that have decided after fifteen years to begin to develop their work independently of large publishing houses. The stress, politics, and small payments written about on blogs all over the web have contributed to this development. Those looking to get published should know that most independent companies have calls for authors year round and have great success with getting their authors awards, speaking engagements, and making amazon best seller lists. I highly recommend that budding authors and publishers continue to do their research. Please learn about the industry from informed insiders that have years of experience with publishing. If you are deciding to go indie, this advice could save you thousands of dollars in the long run.


Good luck on your journey and Happy Reading.

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